It is fascinating to consider such an array of stimulation, when relating to decorating the interior of your home or workplace.

Studies as far back as the 1930s show that people associate colours with specific feelings. Colours can even change the way drugs work – the colour blue makes for better sedatives, while red makes stimulants more effective.

The following information refers to primary, or base colours, which are often used minimally or as a feature accent.


The happiest colour in the spectrum also increases the metabolism, and gives the body a surge of energy.



Although it enhances the brains attention to detail, studies show that red can make you do poorly in exams, because it’s associated with danger, and decreases motivation.


A 2012 Harvard university study showed that food items that were labelled in green evoked a sense of healthiness, and sales shot up. In contrast with the same items labelled in Red, which declined in sales.


Job centres in the UK had an orange colour scheme, they wanted to be inviting and encourage people to come in, but they did not want people to linger for extended periods of time.


In the late 1970s psychologists discovered that the colour calmed children down in Canadian schools. As a result, some prisons paint certain jail cells pink, to calm down their most aggressive prisoners.


The colour of royalty, wealth and success. Many kings wore purple robes as did Roman emperors. The purple dye was extremely expensive. Lighter purple, or Lavender, will calm a person who is in an anxious or nervous state, and allows them to relax.

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